Panic Attack Symptoms Important To Know Be Aware Of

Panic Attack Symptoms Important To Know Be Aware Of

Panic Attack Symptoms: Bad lifestyle, run-of-the-mill life and stress, these factors have emerged as the main causes of diseases in today’s environment. Because of these reasons where people are becoming patients of hypertension, sugar. At the same time, they are also becoming mentally ill. Panic attack is also a disease related to emotions. Vinita Singh, who plays the role of a judge in the upcoming TV show Shark Tank India 2, recently shared information on social media. He told that he had to face this problem during the swimming competition. Since then, once again the discussion of this disease has intensified. It is important to have information about this disease, so that it can be treated in time.

What is a panic attack after all?

Panic attack can happen anywhere anytime. It depends on the condition of the person and his emotions. If the person remains more scared then there are more chances of getting this problem. If this disease is going on in the family from generation to generation, then it is more likely that you too will fall prey to it. Neurological changes can be seen due to repeated panic attacks. It affects both the heart and the mind.

symptoms of panic attack

Like other diseases, symptoms of panic attack are also visible. Fainting, feeling of fear, palpitations, feeling of suffocation, feeling of trembling all over the body, chest pain and restlessness, heart attack like symptoms, rapid breathing, vomiting and loose motion As the problem arises, its symptoms are there.

Why does panic attack come

Some reasons are also included behind the occurrence of panic attack. There can be genetic reasons behind this, that is, this disease is going on from generation to generation. Too much tension and fear has built up, even then it can dominate. Some kind of phobia must be sitting in the mind. People who are emotionally very sensitive. They are more prone to panic attacks. People who take more stress can also get troubled by this.

What to do for protection?

Take a deep breath and keep exhaling when you see symptoms like panic attack. Do not lose your confidence level at all. Convince yourself that this is just a temporary anxiety. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. If the problem is increasing then the doctor should be contacted immediately.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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